
Our company's current wrapping works and latest scale model issues.

Alpha Trains & TX-Logistik – the fifth Vectron: Wolf-Design

The Vectron No 193-554 of Alpha Trains was wrapped in Munich at Siemens.

Re-Foiling of TRAXX-locos for RheinCargo

Due to contract with RheinCargo we shall renew the livery of 12 Traxx-locos: they will be wrapped with the own design of RheinCargo instead of the current HGK-design. The first 4 locos (185-603, 185-604, 185-588, 185-584) was refoiled in Eisenachban (D) between 28.02.17. and 02.03.17.

Alpha Trains & TX-Logistik – Vectrons No 3 & 4: Responsibilty for our Environment

The third and fourth Vectron-locomotives of Alpha Trains for TX-Logistik were wrapped by a design for “Responsibility Driven by” the above firms. The locos 193-552 and 193-553 were foiled in Munich-Allach on 25th February 2017.

Alpha Trains & TX-Logistik – the First 2 Vectrons: Magnet-Design

Due to our contract with Alpha Trains we wrapped the first two Vectrons for TX-Logistik with the sc. magnet-design. (München-Allach (D) of 26th January 2017).

500 Years of Reformation – new livery on 185-589 of RheinCargo

We made a design for the 500-year anniversary of reformation. The TRAXX loco of RheinCargo was wrapped in Brühl (D) on 24.01.17.

A New TRAXX of AKIEM for dp

The TRAXX E483-313 was wrapped in Vado Ligure at Bombardier site on behalf of AKIEM for Dinazzano Po.

1st DAI-Vectron for MRCE (INNOTRANS 2016)

The 1st DAI-Vectron was in Müllen-Allach wrapped and in Berlin at Innotrans 2016 presented. This is the first MS-Vectron for Germany, Austria and Italy. 

We’d be greatful for good photos of the real loco at work.

New Livery for 470-001 in Honour of the Revolution of 1956

The Taurus-locomotive No. 470-001 of MÁV-START was wrapped on the occation of 60-year anniversary of the revolution of 1956 and presented at Budapest-Keleti railway station on 27th October 2016.

Two locomotives for TX-Logistik in new livery

We have designed and wrapped two locos (182-572 and 189-997) in association with TX-Logistik in Kufstein (A).

New TRAXX-livery for the Malteses

What else could have Loc&More Ltd give to the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, as a new livery for one of the TRAXX-locos of Hungarian Railway Company (MÁV) with the message of the Malteses?

Martin of Tours 1700 locomotive

On April 28th 2016 the MÁV 480-006 TRAXX locomotive started its first journey from Szombathely, the birth place of Martin of Tours, in the year of the 1700th anniversary of his birth.

Van Gogh

A locomotive decoration has not yet been made about a painter, but a composer. That is why we chose the 125th anniversary of Vincent Van Gogh's death as a theme. Based on the success of Linked by Rail, we created the decoration together with ERS Railways. The F4 with number 189-206 was decorated in Krzyz (Poland) and presented in Poznan.