Our company's current wrapping works and latest scale model issues.
The TRAXX E483-313 was wrapped in Vado Ligure at Bombardier site on behalf of AKIEM for Dinazzano Po.
Our company's current wrapping works and latest scale model issues.
The TRAXX E483-313 was wrapped in Vado Ligure at Bombardier site on behalf of AKIEM for Dinazzano Po.
The 1st DAI-Vectron was in Müllen-Allach wrapped and in Berlin at Innotrans 2016 presented. This is the first MS-Vectron for Germany, Austria and Italy.
We’d be greatful for good photos of the real loco at work.
The Taurus-locomotive No. 470-001 of MÁV-START was wrapped on the occation of 60-year anniversary of the revolution of 1956 and presented at Budapest-Keleti railway station on 27th October 2016.
We have designed and wrapped two locos (182-572 and 189-997) in association with TX-Logistik in Kufstein (A).
What else could have Loc&More Ltd give to the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, as a new livery for one of the TRAXX-locos of Hungarian Railway Company (MÁV) with the message of the Malteses?
On April 28th 2016 the MÁV 480-006 TRAXX locomotive started its first journey from Szombathely, the birth place of Martin of Tours, in the year of the 1700th anniversary of his birth.
A locomotive decoration has not yet been made about a painter, but a composer. That is why we chose the 125th anniversary of Vincent Van Gogh's death as a theme. Based on the success of Linked by Rail, we created the decoration together with ERS Railways. The F4 with number 189-206 was decorated in Krzyz (Poland) and presented in Poznan.
After the lease ended, on behalf of MRCE, we also unwrapped locomotive 182-524 from its Wiener Lokalbahn mockery and dressed the factory black Taurus in the original MRCE design.
In its "place of birth", in Munich-Allach, at the SIEMENS factory, we wrapped the 0km ELL-Vectron to the order and design of TX-Logistik. Number: 193-252.
The "Art of Rail" design was planned on behalf of and in cooperation with MRCE to replace an earlier, badly damaged SIEMENS sticker and stuck to an F4 (189-150) in Nuremberg.
The graphic was created on the occasion of the "Year of German-Hungarian Friendship" announced by the Government of Hungary, and was placed on MÁV's Taurus 003 and MRCE's number 182-521 locomotive of the same type.
This graphic was created on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the demolition of the Berlin Wall and German reunification. These historical events are closely related to the Pan-European Picnic, perhaps it is no coincidence that two locomotive decorations were made from this, although this time not for the locomotives of two nations, but for two locomotives operating in Germany, but of different types: the 182-509 Taurus and the 193-876 Vectron. The latter was presented at the transport&logistic 2015 fair in Munich.